Too bad I didn’t find it sooner. But, I’m using it now, and for some of the cactus and succulent photos, a 200% enlargement really increases the detail and color. So, if you have old, little photos, this is the tool for you.
It’s at and it’s by Zygomatic. It’s free, and it takes about 5-10 seconds to convert a small photo into a big one. Four quality versions are offered, I always take the first.
Orthophytum saxicola Plant and Photo: Marina & Roy Welham, Canada© Photograph Copyright of The Amateurs’ Digest and Marina & Roy Welham, Canada Orthophytum saxicola Plant and Photo: Marina & Roy Welham, Canada© Photograph Copyright of The Amateurs’ Digest and Marina & Roy Welham, Canada Sansevieria bagamoyensis Plant & Photo: Robert Streul, USA Erect stems can grow up to 1.5 m tall, 2.5 cm thick, densely leafy. Leaves lanceolate, flat, 20-45 cm long, 2 to 4.5 cm across, 5 mm thick, smooth, grass green, tip brownish, hard, margins whitish or reddish.© Photograph Copyright of The Amateurs’ Digest and Robert Streul, USA
Sansevieria bagamoyensis Plant & Photo: Robert Streul, USA Erect stems can grow up to 1.5 m tall, 2.5 cm thick, densely leafy. Leaves lanceolate, flat, 20-45 cm long, 2 to 4.5 cm across, 5 mm thick, smooth, grass green, tip brownish, hard, margins whitish or reddish.© Photograph Copyright of The Amateurs’ Digest and Robert Streul, USA
Sansevieria cylindrica , S. cylindrica ‘Striated’ and S. robusta Plant & Photo: Robert Streul, USA A grouping of sansesvierias. The plant in the middle is Sansevieria cylindrica ‘Striated’. Far left is S. cylindrica with two stately blooms pushing 36 inches tall!! The flowers open only during the night so it is difficult to get a good picture. Far right in the photo is S. robusta.© Photograph Copyright of The Amateurs’ Digest and Robert Streul, USA
Sansevieria cylindrica , S. cylindrica ‘Striated’ and S. robusta Plant & Photo: Robert Streul, USA A grouping of sansesvierias. The plant in the middle is Sansevieria cylindrica ‘Striated’. Far left is S. cylindrica with two stately blooms pushing 36 inches tall!! The flowers open only during the night so it is difficult to get a good picture. Far right in the photo is S. robusta.© Photograph Copyright of The Amateurs’ Digest and Robert Streul, USA
Sansevieria kirkii var pulchra Plant & Photo: Robert Streul, USA. Robert Streul: Sansevieria kirkii var pulchra flowers are beginning to open and if they would only open all at the same time, this would be way beyond spectacular. I took a tape measure tonight and held it just above the inflorescence and it measures 12 inches from flower tip to flower tip. Now I completely understand why people go gaga over the flowering of this species. The flowers open only for one day but there are many more to come.© Photograph Copyright of The Amateurs’ Digest and Robert Streul, USA You can really see the full effect of some of these enlargements if you look at the image above in the carousel over here: