Evidence of a Conspiracy to Defraud the Estate on the Pretext of “Parrot” Fees
Sandor Has A Surprise
The PGT made mistakes in this file. Colluding with the SPCA to pocket fees for 4 years and 8 months of parrot fostering was one of them. I had worked for the SPCA in Montreal as a foster parent for small animals. I knew immediately that the letter Stewart had sent me, in which he claimed “substantial” fostering fees were owed to the SPCA for Marina’s parrot, BB, was a scam.
Stewart, in his letter of April 21, 2021, had made it clear that he had someone “appropriate” at the BC SPCA ready and waiting to speak to me. I don’t take orders from government mafia, so I did my own homework.
I immediately contacted SPCA representatives in Canada who confirmed that the SPCA never charges years of fostering fees for surrendered pets, and that owners’ rights lapse a few weeks after surrender.
I then phoned the BC SPCA and documented the fact that the BC SPCA indeed had an electronic file open in its computer system alleging that BB still was in foster care, four years and eight months after Marina’s alleged date of death at the time of my call.
Stewart’s letter of April 21, 2021, was fraud and a lie; but the open “fostering” file on BB at the BC SPCA — a complete anomaly, as the parrot would have been adopted years ago — proved that the PGT and someone at the BC SPCA were up to something that would involve “substantial” costs to Marina’s estate.
Whether or not I took the bait and “relinquished” my supposed ownership of BB (which the PGT stole from me by stealing control of the Will), or flew to BC to collect him, it was clear from Stewart’s letter that, contrary to law, the BC SPCA was free to bill the estate.
The following two audio tapes document my inquiries at the front desk of the BC SPCA, with their Reception team representative, Sandor (pronounced Shawndor).
Kathleen Pageot Calls the BC SPCA (3 May 2021)
Kathleen Pageot Calls the BC SPCA (4 May 2021)
Sandor of the BC SPCA Sends a BLANK “Surrender Receipt”
Sandor, of BC SPCA, sent a BLANK “Surrender Receipt” allegedly for Marina Welham’s African Grey parrot, on Tuesday, May 4th, 021 at 8h25 PM.
The so-called “Surrender receipt” shows no identity of the owner of the bird, no identity and no signature of the person who allegedly surrendered the bird. At the very least, it cannot be used to refute Darren D. Stewart’s dubious allegation that the PGT was not involved in the disposition of the bird.
A blank receipt with numbers on it does not prove that the BC SPCA ever had possession of BB.
Especially when that blank receipt comes from an alleged four-year-and-eight-month-old “foster care” file that, according to normal procedure shouldn’t exist, but does, and therefore “corroborates” the reality of the BC PGT‘s “Parrot Scam” extortion letter claiming that Marina’s estate owed a “substantial” sum of money to the BC SPCA for years of “foster care” fees.
Therefore, not only does the named sole heir and executor not know how or when her mother died (being denied all information by the North Saanich RCMP, the Coroner, and British Columbia Emergency Health Services), but she does not know what happened to BB, her mother’s beloved parrot, inherited by her along with the estate, stolen and liquidated ex parte by the BC PGT.
Kathleen Pageot Asks Sandor for the Real “Surrender Receipt”11h01 AM
May 5, 2021 @ 2:46
One More Time
May 7, 2021 @
CONTINUED: “Evidence of a Conspiracy to Defraud the Estate on the False Pretext of Parrot Fees: Emily Priestley Intervenes”